Second Life: Sinclair Valen
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Version 1.5 released today. Lots of new stuff to try. I'm hoping this will shake me out of the doldrums. Been puttering in the Creche mostly.

"James Miller can't reach Orientation anymore by hotswapping wireless NIC..." ?!? Laugh-Out-Freaking-Loud, too funny...

Baccara invited me into the Early Beta group - I guess I'm an old-timer now, gray hair and everything... Pit and Garth had a nice 1-year-together party last Sunday on the yacht, marred only by the roadside (deckside?) bomb...

Thursday, August 19, 2004
Yesterday, Baccara sent out invites to Garth and Pituca's one-year-together-anniversary / Pit's "significant" RL birthday party.

Sounds like a must-see bash. After all, one doesn't turn 29 every day... :D


Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Time to take the blogging a bit more seriously, as Hamlet has added this to the list of SL-related blogs.

So I promise to take this as seriously as I do my SL.. :D

I've been keeping to myself for the most part lately, and haven't been spending very much time in SL. The little time I spend goes toward the slow construction of the cliff patio at Valen's Creche in Lusk. For the life of me, I don't know what I'm actually going to put ON the patio... I guess it could just be a place for folks to hang out...

The area above, on the butte, looks nice as a small greenfield under the arch. If room permits, I'll put a small grandstand and scoreboard for planned sport-type activities. It's not a huge field, but that may actually be an advantage in script management.

Added a few of Garth's butterflies to the area with the dragon (bordering Ahern) - he looked lonesome. I don't want to tweak this area much as the simplicity works well bordering the Linden land.

Still have to finish out the tombstone near the gateway - though that's part of the "Hippos" back-story and I've not done any writing in two weeks now. Ditto the floating spheres - yes they will have a purpose someday...

Need a place to put out the 9/11 memorial for September - if anyone has a suggestion, I'd be most interested.

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